Organizing the mess inside
Clean the chaos
Understand why that chaos cannot be approached with one understanding
What can cranio do for people who have witnessed violence without a possibility to change the course of fate?
" ... A n older man came in, I met him before in a 'konoba' for a coffee. I appeared to be a local guide, he also knew everything about the war, he also never understood any form of reasoning about the utter violence and abuse which a war is. He talked a lot about the damage to people, societies that previously lived in harmony, about a destroyed city, rebuilt partly by its violators. He talked in a negative way, denial of a constructive approach overruled his positive attitude. He drank coffee and smoked and talked through the entire history of the Balkans. From the perspective of Peace and a single minded groups' capacity to destroy that peace completely ... What to do? People never learn! You only need to understand what happened here to understand everything in politics! ... ". We talked about cranio as a possiblity to relax the nervous system. He had never heard about cranio or anything alike, but he said he would be happy if I could work on that, with him and with friends.
I gave a session to a friend, a man of sports, kajak, swimming, gymnastics, with back problems. It worked: "I don't know what you did, but I feel better" was his comment the following day. Then I treated a woman who suffered from panic attacks which as so often were allocated to 'some cause between the ears'. I her case it was problem in the neck area, a tension that had its effect on her nervous system. Then I treated the tour guide, who was a bit nervous for the session. Though he could not relax to the point of closing his eyes and letting go he did say after the session: "I feel more peaceful".
So I treated war refugees with cranio. What is going on there in those bodies and heads and minds, who often appear as nervous, unable to focus, hyper reactive ... or sedated. Once in the session all they have to do is to lie down on the table. Cranio techniques simply search for restrictions in tissues, treats those neutrally, and here lies the clue for understanding what is going on: These bodies and minds have fallen apart, separated in a number of islands of restrictions, unable to communicate but seriously influencing each other.
In other words: If one experiences a headache and is capable to relax that headache, then the stomach plays havoc, so the attention immediately has to go there, leaving the headache as unfinished business, and when the stomach is calmed, and the headache parked for later, then the leg starts to be restless and needs attention because one cannot walk on a restless leg. Now with the head and the stomach parked for later, the leg gets attention. And slowly one goes crazy, because it is to much.
Now you have to see that all these restrictions ask for adaptation through compensation or masking. And one headache may cause a few compensations in behavior and posture. Now think of this for three restrictions which have a deeper cause in mentally traumatizing experiences ... and you will understand the mess of restrictions and compensations that someone has to deal with, and how much effort it costs to get through the day, how can one expect to be functional?
Cranio helps the client to see how the restrictions are organized and how they have to be treated one by one, but all together in one session often, and slowly the mind gets a hold on life again. Cranio helps the inner of the client to 'draw a map' of all these restrictions; the self healing capacity of the mind and nervous system can be seen at their best! Cranio can't do it all, but certainly makes for a good start for further treatment.
So this is where the donations do a great work, for these refugees have no clue where to go or how to deal with their fears, restrictions, nervousness, and since they are refugees, most often have no resources ... As for me as a practitioner, I had the privilege to learn so much from other cultures which in turn helped to develop cranio for your benefit.