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stan coenders
alja zadel
uses the principles as outlined by A.T. Still and William G. Sutherland: craniosacral techniques, gentle touch, and dialogue help you to find causes for restrictions and deep traumae. Multiple hands sessions with two practitioners are more intensive, more efficient, work deeper
Life is Creative – Live Creative
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please send emails through the gmail address, this will be used for communication
and to send you dates for upcoming session possibilities
A combination of gentle touch, craniosacral techniques and dialogue help to find causes and solutions, and enhances your self healing capability, for old, vague and never ending discomforts of all kinds which may be a result of long forgotten traumas or decisions.
It helps to solve pains like headaches, back aches; or to rebalance and reset after stress, or with burnout or jet lag, restrictions that seemingly have an untraceable cause.
Application of craniosacral techniques starts with checking the qualities of the cranial rhythmic impuls. This rhythm is said to originate in the cranium with the production of cerebro spinal fluid. It can be felt all along the spine including the sacrum and into the legs and arms. Areas where this rhythm cannot be felt may point to a restriction or block. Solving that block is one focus point, finding the cause for it helps to solve it. Gradually the gentle work will help your body and mind to go into even slower rythms and very deep relaxation. During a session your body and consciousness may point the way to the solution.
A session will not give you a diagnosis and does not replace the need for regular medical care in the classic sense, neither will the practitioner give advice about (dis-) continuation with medicine or of visiting medical care practitioners. Please keep your diagnoses updated through a regular check with your medical doctor. The sessions are meant to enhance the self healing capacity of your body and mind, to lead to a new vision, insight and from there to a solution for the restriction that brought you to a session.
Symptoms rarely point to their cause. A headache may have a cause in the back or even in the feet, and the cause for back ache may be in the jaws. A combination of gentle touch, craniosacral techniques and dialogue is holistic, system oriented and can be regarded as energy work that involves dialogue, in silence or spoken.
The understanding of what brought about that strain that caused you years of problems is the part where dialogue comes in. Not seldom a cause lies years and years back. Your body has coped as good as it could and gave you the best possible support, even though that may involve that headache. Bodies and minds are amazing! Assessing deep blockades may lead to experiences similar to or induced by the event that caused the block. Effects of cranio may follow days after the session because deep understanding has an effect on relaxation of tissues, relaxation of the nervous system and this all requires a new balance.
There are many of clients who benefitted from one or more craniosacral technique and dialogue sessions.
A single CST session once in a while is also a great rebalancing reset! It helps you to recover after having been stressed out in any way. For many it is a first time wonder. But once you get it, then it becomes normal to have a session once in a while.
Please inform before the sessions if there are probable counterindications through physical trauma or operations, such as for instance artificial joints, shunts. Please inform also if there is a chronic (longer then 3 months) or acute part, if there was an accident, or a special event, or if you suspect other circumstances.
Live Creative!
There is another focus possible as well: to enhance understanding about inner talents and skills; to enhance self healing capacity, to live creative. For that reason it is simply worth while to get rid of restrictions by bringing them to surface to dissolve as much as possible. This approach gives us a different look at what hinders us. This approach teaches and enhances our self healing capacity to take a more prominent role. It is a simple principle, but to let go of your ideas about your restrictions is not easy, nor always fully possible, but it is possible to face them and change your opinion which may make you stronger. When the pain is gone … go one step further ... This we can do in private sessions, and in classes, teaching you The basics of Practical Cranio.
And for those who know the benefit of a Self Help Group and regular exchange with others who suffer from similar multitudes of restrictions: there is one about to start ... ask!
... One day a woman arrived with an ankle twice as thick as normal; and it had been like that for almost two decades. Migraines, bad sleep, lack of energy, it was all hers to deal with. She had tried everything, and was said to be untreatable. The first restriction we found was in the middle of her back. We released it and it made her feel lighter. The ankle was different. Tissues and bones, everything was swollen and blue. Tissue dialogue unveiled an unsolved cause for the accident: she had stumbled onto the street and was just not hit by a car by less then a millimeter. The bumper had touched her back. That explained the problem in the back. When we agreed to address her situation just before the accident it turned out that she had been in an argument and had ran out onto the street without watching and stumbled; Reviving that situation and releasing the tension from that argument made it possible to relax the ankle; the pain changed and became much less, the migraines went and sound sleep came back. Not all was solved but for the six treatments we gave it was a great result.

Darja's review, click
Darja's review, click
the sessions in general will be multiple hands sessions, meaning there will be two practitioners working together ... it proved to be more effective and we reach deeper levels easier.
there is no typical session ...
each individual is unique and each session is unique...
symptoms hardly ever unveil the cause ...
though you may come because of a restriction,
just be amazed at the creativity that kept you going
for a long time, untill you decided: "it is enough!"
in general a session may take about one hour, but some sessions will need some additional time.
please wear loose comfortable natural clothing, such as a cotton training suit.
after a session you may feel a strong need to reflect and relax. please listen to that need; go for a swim, a walk in nature, and drink a lot of water in addition to all other drinks.
chronic problems may result in a strong and sudden reaction, because the time for the release of the problem is very short in relation to the entire life span of the problem.
avoid life changing decisions in the days after a session because rebalancing takes time. in case you have questions and i am away, don't hesitate but call, email or skype.
all information you provide is treated confidential. no details will be provided to others.
please note that these sessions are mostly for restrictions which seem to be untreatable after you have tried everything. contributions to continue this work have led to a typical donation which equalizes normal session costs. information on request provided before the session; your donation helps in that the sessions can be offered to help others who don't have the resources, refugees for instance.
sessions are offered in small series every 4 or 5 weeks and it is possible to apply for a session per email. your email will be stored and used to send you dates for upcoming sessions.
the first one
a first treatment deals with the general condition you are in, and with the focus of your visit.
the craniosacral rythm is checked with a very light touch, on various places, this will give an idea about restrictions. after that a relaxation of the whole body will take out already some of the tensions. In a next session we will go deeper into the focus of your visit.
this treatment is about checking and will relax you deeply at the same time.
the next ones
in each following treatment your rythm's condition is checked again to see if there is an effect from the previous session.
you will be asked to reflect on the effect of the previous session.
though there are exceptions, the most common sequence of sessions starts with the restrictions that are most easiest to relax; your body will show those first and gradually allow to treat deeper layers with cranio and dialogue.
these treatments will focus on the goal that was defined in the first treatment.
a single treatment
many clients take a single treatment once in a while, to reset, to relax their system, after a stressfull period, or for instance to reduce jetlag, as an update or why not: to try it?
craniosacral techniques help to slow your body down where it goes to fast and to vitalize where it responds to slow

Etienne Peirsman, (1993, Belgium Cranio Sacral And Meditation Society)
Upledger Institute Germany, 2014 -2017, CST1, CST2, SEE1 (CST3), SEE2 (CST4), CST5, Intensive Programs
Upledger Institute Austria, 2014 - 2017, CST6, Water CST, Intensive Programs
Assistances 2014 -2017: CST1 (4x), CST2 (3x), CST3 (1x), CST4 (1x)
Practiced in India (Bombay), Nepal (Bouddha), Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic (Zdonov), Portugal (Lissabon), Germany Munich), Slovenia (Ljubljana, Koper), Italy (Padova), Croatia (Hvar), Herzegovina (Mostar).
Alja Zadel - 2019 - ongoing, Slovenija (Intensive Multiple Hands sessions for severe restrictions)
Kathi Gaigl - 2017- ongoing, Germany, (Intensive Multiple Hands sessions for severe restrictions)
​Priska Brockhof, Gerti Strasser - 2016-17, Germany, (Intensive Multiple Hands sessions for severe restrictions)
Suzanne Vanden Schrieck - 2010-2015, Belgium, Nepal, Portugal
Upledger Association Austria, Intensive Program, Lilienfeld
2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, team work for treatment of severe restrictions on table / in water
Upledger Association Germany, Intensive Program Kissleg
2016, 2017, team work for treatment of severe restrictions, on table / in water
2015 - 2017 - Practice and multiple hands technique days in and near Munich
2016 - Ljubljana Self Help Workshops
please use the gmail address / your data will be removed from the storage in this server / never be provided to other parties / only your email will be stored on gmail / other information will be stored in separate files in a private computer
(+386) (0)30 455 655
please send a request via gmail if you prefer contact via skype,
" ... to stay independent, work with light touch, craniosacral techniques and dialogue, in different cultural settings, in different countries, led to the most rewarding experiences in my life and work ... "
I work with all kinds of restrictions and requests, but helping to solve old and vague 'never ending' complaints seem to take most of the time now. My initial creative training in problem solving helps me enormously, it taught me how to work with parallel potentials, a great benefit in cranio which adresses many levels at the same time. Touch and Silent and Spoken dialogue help to find relations between restrictions and long forgotten decisions and causes became common in the treatments.
I feel fortunate to practice cranio together with Alja Zadel in multiple hands sessions which became the standard for our sessions - they are more intensive and give better results, especially for complex and difficult restrictions with root causes which are hard to find.
Upon being asked whether I see myself as a therapist or as a healer; we help the self healing capacity to become active. I don't see myself as a healer. In fact I even don't use the word therapy or therapist, since cranio is clearly a dialogue between giver and receiver. A session is a special occasion, a different situation, condensed time, which allows to shed light on hidden causes.
I started studying many years ago with the Upledger modality of cranio, including somato emotional release and gradually found a way of working that involves the slower rhythms as proposed in BioDynamic modalities, all along the ideas of A.T. Still and W.G. Sutherland who are the founders of Osteopathy and Cranial Osteopathy. Both modalities are functional in these sessions; although their approach is different, they may appear alternately.
After so many years of practice I am still amazed with the beauty of this work every month again. For my education I am very thankful to Etienne Peirsmann, Suzanne Vanden Schrieck, Susanne Koopmann, Artur Doszko, Susann Dideban-Hermann, Mathias Wenzel, Ully Fabian-Riedler, Bernard Voss, Stefan Höppner, Thomas Gross, Alfred Mittermayr, Eva Oberriesser, and so many other amazing people ...