Darja Klancar expresses with this first of a series to come - her view on her own transformation.
Thank you, Darja!
Journey from head to heart
1. This is you when you are overthinking... so we are going to shrink you now!
2. Why?! Because being so little you can enter your head.
3. In your head you are standing in a hallway with an elevator. Press for elevator. Once inside, choose the "heart floor".
4. Exit the elevator at the heart level. There is your heart.
Give him a big hug and tell him you love him!
5. Together you send a healing energy and love to the World. And say thank you to the Earth, to animals, plants.
6. Before entering your day, you surround yourself with a magic vail of love, which protects you.
Everyone you meet during the day will be touched
by your soft love.
"For your balance"
inhale-exhale (written over the Earth and the Stars)
1. Inhale from the Earth into the heart and exhale to the Universe
2. Inhale Universal energy into the heart and release to Earth

"I am doing really good these days, now I can really see the changes"